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Newspaper "Life Lebedynschyny"


Each town or village has its own history, traditions and customs. Traditionally, the great Orthodox holiday of Intercession, celebrates the village residents Mezhyrich. Village Mezhyrich - not only one of the largest and most picturesque settlements Lebedinsky district, it is a complex, long history. Founded in the mid XVII. Ukrainian Cossacks, which was the most respected Protection of the holiday. In early October, before the Intercession, was closed all the important agricultural work ended sowing of winter crops. Farmers receiving more or less the amount of free time for celebrations. This period svatan and complete preparations for the wedding.

Today Intercession is one of the favorite events for the local community, so it is always celebrated at the highest level. This year, the efforts of the head of the village council - Victor G. Litvinenko, rural deputies and local residents celebrate like never passed successfully. However, such an event would not have been so successfully without moral and material support to enterprises and organizations that operate in the village. Visited holiday rural district state administration head Vasily Kalita, who took mezhyrychanam pleasant speech and presented gifts.

 Also, in this solemn day farmers welcomed the managing Directorate "Romney" Agricultural production cooperative "Milk-Country" Elena Onishchenko. Elena noted that through the cooperative farmers could receive additional benefits and expressed confidence in the prospects of future development of this form of organization in the countryside.

We decided taking interest more on the activities of all the cooperative and inspect the conditions of cooperation, please contact the information to Ms. Helen. She said that co-op works with "Okhtyrka Cheese Works" with him concluding the contract. Number of members of the association is increasing, because people were convinced that really helps farmers cooperative. Today only our Board of Directors has almost nine hundred peasants who take care of a thousand cows in fifteen districts of three regions.

- The cooperative movement - says Olena - is gaining momentum, but we confidently move along its own path. A significant role in the formation of cooperative psychology plays a man who lays all hope only on their hands, holding, because the work is now tight. Our association is a proven technology among farmers. Worried about the cooperative, we are trying to ease their working conditions, to provide the necessary knowledge, technologies, feeding grounds. Aware of the difficult socio-economic situation in rural areas, a significant level of unemployment, and we duly fulfills the declared obligations to improve the welfare of members of the association. Yes, this year we provided 32 loans worth 204 thousand. UAH. For these members of the union funds on favorable terms could get 15 milking machines to 2,950 USD, 10 cows and other small agricultural machinery.

- How Were the peasants to new labor organization, and what is required for admission to the union?

- Farmers are always treated with suspicion for innovation and this is a lot of explanation. We did not pass too many issues related to fears of owners to enter into leases of cattle. After detailed examination of the contract farmers realized that the owner of the cow is a landlord, just the farmer who has a cow. People we believe, after all that we have promised the people timely and properly perform.

To join the cooperative "Milk-Country", in the application and signing the contract, you must provide a copy of passport and a photocopy of the passport of the animal veterinary card.

- Cooperative or control the amount of milk produced by its members?

- Cooperative physically not able to control the amount of milk produced, because the cow - a living creature and milk yield volumes vary greatly. Members of the association are interested to produce more milk, because it affects their level of cooperative benefits and welfare.

However, if within three months the farmer does not provide sufficient volumes of raw materials, the cooperative can initiate exclusion that member unilaterally. Indeed, unfair when some members of the association produce far less milk than others, and enjoy the same benefits.

 The cooperative pays attention to the quality of milk, an increasing number of collection points, equipped with refrigeration equipment, provided interest-free loans for the purchase of milking machines and high-performance cows. Offset the cost of artificial insemination, vaccination, and clinical examination.

- The contract term rental cattle?

- Agreement to lease cattle fit for one year with the right of prolongation. That is, if a person applied for withdrawal from the cooperative, the contract is automatically renewed.

- Our main objective - to increase the productivity of animals that will be beneficial for us, and for the host; improve the quality of milk; protect livestock from disease. We help to develop new technologies in the field molocharstva. We believe the future - for cooperatives. Both the authorities and farmers interested in creating them, because if there is no alternative possibilities of production and marketing, it will lead to the impoverishment of the rural population. From the effective operation of the cooperative will be pleased all: processors receive high quality raw materials, the peasants - a guaranteed income and urban residents - delicious domestic products - said Elena.

Pleasant event ended not only words, as members of the cooperative who are the best indicators presented in the small but practical gifts. Bryushenko Ekaterina, Manko Vladimir and Tatiana Naumenko - got plastic 15-liter bucket to store milk. More than 10 villagers in memory of the union were marked with circles and towels gay emblem cooperative.

Members of the cooperative Mezhyrich confirmed the reliability and efficiency of the cooperative "Milk-country." Ukrainian village painful problems - unemployment did not pass and Lebedinsky district, so the question of whether everyone's lips. And the inhabitants of this wonderful village as Mezhyrich, it was resolved immediately.

- "We will maintain the household, because here there are all the necessary conditions. Our main lactating cow is, the income from milk production which - is the foundation of the family budget in most of the villagers. Once created cooperative "Milk-country", most immediately came to him, for it is profitable for us. After all, every year we receive 200 USD. payments for keeping cows. Also, the cooperative has undertaken to pay for veterinary services, insemination and if necessary assists in ensuring food - and that takes time and in full. So the benefits of membership in the cooperative than being individual farmers, are obvious, "- confident summed farmers.

It's nice that the rural cooperatives is gaining momentum and Lebedinsky district. This work is the first real step in twenty years of independence, aims to address the socio-economic situation of a third of the population. Co-op is a real alternative to collective farms destroyed. The feasibility of the creation of cooperatives in no doubt farmers or agrarian experts that given the European experience is watching the success of agricultural production. It is a pity that such a form familiar to Ukrainian organization was established in the nineties of the last century. However, as the Ukrainian proverb - "better later than never."