As Director of Chernihiv Representative Ofice Mr. Chapliyev stated: “Moloko-Kraina always assists to local village councils that collaborate with the cooperative. In particular, it helps to repair or supports schools, culture centers, kindergartens, medical institutions, religious buildings etc.”».
Zheved cooperative established good relations not only with the mayor of the settlement, but also with the majority of farmers who joined the APC. The head of the village council was the first to become an APC member, and later his example was followed by the others, since they saw that APC executed its obligations exactly. At present, 32 individuals became the cooperative members and they keep more than 50 cows. Often people keep 2 or 3 cows, but the local record-breaker is Nadiya Prokhorenko who keeps six cows in the cooperative.
”At present more than two third of cattle heads are kept by households in Ukraine. Thus, it first of all depends on them how much milk is produced in Ukraine. Undoubtedly, good stimulus for this can be government assistance of such agricultural cooperatives as Moloko-Kraina. It is good that authorities, representatives of dairy processing enterprises and cooperatives have one goal – to preserve dairy processing sector,” emphasized Oleksandr Chapliyev.
In 2012, the Chernihiv Representative Office that united the Directorates of Nizhyn, Mena and Gorodnia, granted to the APC members 66 interest-free loans in total for purchasing cattle and milking units. Besides that cooperative members received more than 400 tons of different forages for the total amount about UAH 0.5 million.